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Setting up CI Integrations Aikido Security CI Client: Installation and Usage Guide

Aikido Security CI Client: Installation and Usage Guide

The Aikido Security CI client allows you to integrate Aikido Security scans into custom CI pipelines such as Jenkins or CircleCI. It helps ensure that security scans are part of your build process.

Use Cases

  • Release Gating: Block a new release or build based on a commit.

  • Pull Request Checks: Automatically add pass/fail checks to pull requests.

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Install the Aikido CI client globally

# For npm users
$ npm install -g @aikidosec/ci-api-client

# For yarn users
$ yarn global add @aikidosec/ci-api-client

Step 2: Configure your Aikido API key

  1. Obtain the API key from the Continuous Integration settings page.

  2. Set the API key globally:

$ aikido-api-client apikey <your-api-key-here>

Step 3: Run a release or pull request scan
The scan-release command is used for release gating, while scan is used for pull request gating.

# For release gating:
$ aikido-api-client scan-release <repository_id or repository_name> <commit_id>

# For pull request checks:
$ aikido-api-client scan <repository_id or repository_name> <base_commit_id> <head_commit_id>

Options (for both commands):

  • --no-fail-on-dependency-scan: Skip failing the build on new dependency vulnerabilities.

  • --fail-on-sast-scan: Fail the scan if new SAST issues are detected.

  • --fail-on-iac-scan: Fail the scan if new infrastructure-as-code issues are found.

  • --fail-on-secrets-scan: Fail the scan if exposed secrets are detected.

  • --minimum-severity-level="CRITICAL": Minimum severity level for the scan to fail/block
    Options: LOW, MEDIUM, HIGH, CRITICAL (default: CRITICAL)

  • --poll-interval [interval]: Set the poll interval for checking updated scan results (default: 10).

Step 4: Upload custom test results (only supported for the scan command)
You can optionally upload custom test results using the following command:

$ aikido-api-client upload --repository-id <repository_id> --type checkov --file <path_to_payload_file>

For more detailed options

$ aikido-api-client help