PR and release gating using Local Scanner
In addition to using the local scanner for identifying and reporting security issues in your codebase, you can also use the Aikido Local Scanner for gating in your CI. We provide two types of gating, release gating and PR gating.
Release Gating
Release gating ensures that your software meets specific security criteria before being made available to users or customers. This mode performs a scan on your default branch and pushes the results to the Aikido feed. If there are any open issues that match or exceed your chosen severity after the scan, the CI pipeline will fail.
This mode is also available for image scanning and can prevent pushes to image repositories if there are any issues in your image.
To enable release gating add the --fail-on <severity>
option to the scan command.
PR Gating
The PR gating mode ensures that the new code meets specific security criteria before merging into your default branch. This mode scans the changes introduced in the PR. If any new issues that match or exceed your chosen severity are introduced, the CI pipeline will fail.
To enable release gating, add the --fail-on <severity>
option to select your preferred severity level. Then, add the --gating-mode pr
option to signify that you wish to perform PR gating. You must also specify the base (--base-commit-id <commit-id>
) and head commit (--head-commit-id <commit-id>
). If there a scan was previously performed on the base commit id, the scan results will be compared to those. If not, the results will be compared to the most recent scan on your default branch.
GitLab Self Managed
For general information about setting up the Local Scanner in a GitLab environment, check out this article.
Example .gitlab-ci.yml
for release gating:
default: image: name: aikidosecurity/local-scanner:latest entrypoint: [""] run_aikido_selfscanner: script: - aikido-local-scanner scan ./ --apikey $AIKIDO_LOCAL_SCANNER_TOKEN --repositoryname DemoApp --branchname main --fail-on critical rules: - if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "main"
Example .gitlab-ci.yml
for PR gating:
default: image: name: aikidosecurity/local-scanner:latest entrypoint: [""] run_aikido_selfscanner: script: - aikido-local-scanner scan ./ --apikey $AIKIDO_LOCAL_SCANNER_TOKEN --repositoryname DemoApp --branchname $CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME --gating-mode pr --fail-on critical --base-commit-id $CI_MERGE_REQUEST_DIFF_BASE_SHA --head-commit-id $CI_COMMIT_SHA rules: - if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == 'merge_request_event'
For general information about setting up the Local Scanner in a GitHub environment, check out this article.
Example .github/workflows/aikido-scan.yml
for release gating:
on: push: branches: - main name: Aikido Scan jobs: aikido-local-scan-repo: runs-on: ubuntu-latest container: image: aikidosecurity/local-scanner:latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} path: my-repo - name: Run scan run: aikido-local-scanner scan my-repo --apikey ${{ secrets.AIKIDO_API_KEY }} --repositoryname MyRepo --branchname main --fail-on critical
Example .github/workflows/aikido-scan.yml
for PR gating:
on: pull_request: branches: - main name: Aikido Scan jobs: aikido-local-scan-repo: runs-on: ubuntu-latest container: image: aikidosecurity/local-scanner:latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v4 with: token: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }} path: ${{ }} - name: Run scan run: aikido-local-scanner scan ${{ }} --apikey ${{ secrets.AIKIDO_API_KEY }} --repositoryname ${{ }} --branchname ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.ref }} --gating-mode pr --fail-on critical --base-commit-id ${{ github.event.pull_request.base.sha }} --head-commit-id ${{ github.event.pull_request.head.sha }}