CLI options for Local Scanner
The Aikido Security Local Scanner is a tool that enables you to perform Aikido Security scans within your environment, ensuring your code never leaves your premises. Below you can find the options that can be passed when running the local scanner.
Repository scanning
Usage: aikido-local-scanner scan [options] <path> Run a scan. Arguments: path The path you want to scan. Options: --apikey <apikey> Apikey to send scanning results to Aikdo. (env: AIKIDO_API_KEY) --repositoryname <repositoryname> Repo name to create or send results to. --branchname <branchname> Branch name that is being scanned. --tmpdirectory <tmpdirectory> Temporary directory to use during scanning. (default: "./.aikidotmp") --debug Add additional debug information to command output. --disable-artifact-scanning Disable trivy rootfs scanning. Use to speed up scanning at the cost of not scanning artifacts such as .jar files. --secrets-scanning-full-git-history Enable scanning the full Git history for secrets. --secrets-scanning-one-week-git-history Enable scanning only the last 7 days of the Git history for secrets. --scan-types [types...] Specify which types of scans should be executed. This will overwrite the --scanners flag (cf below). (choices: "code", "dependencies", "iac", "secrets", default: []) --scanners [scanners...] Specify which of the scanners should be executed. (choices: "trivy", "semgrep", "checkov", "syft", "gitleaks") --exclude <exclude_path> Specify a file or folder path that should be excluded from the scan. This option may be specified multiple times. (default: []) --fail-on <severity> Runs scanner in gating mode and fails on the given severity or higher. (choices: "low", "medium", "high", "critical") --gating-mode <mode> Indicate whether the scanner should run in release or PR gating mode. Release gating mode scans your main branch and waits to see if there are any issues that should prevent release, in pull request mode, Aikido seeks ONLY new vulnerabilities introduced in a branch. You must supply a base and head commit for the comparison to work. Should be combined with the --fail-on flag (choices: "release", "pr", default: "release") --base-commit-id <commit-id> Base commit id, this is the commit that Aikido will compare against to determine if a finding is new. Only used for PR gating mode. --head-commit-id <commit-id> Head commit id, the commit that is being scanned. Only used for PR gating mode. --gating-result-output <output> JSON file to write issues to when running in gating mode only --no-fail-on-timeout Do not fail the process in case the scan result polling times out (gating mode only) --max-polling-attempts <amount> Amount of times to poll for scan results, increase this if the default value of 20 is not enough (gating mode only) --no-snippets Use this mode to not share any code snippets with Aikido. --checkov-skip-extension <extension> Specify an extension to be skipped by Checkov scans specifically. This option may be specified multiple times. Example: If you want to ignore JSON files, pass .json as the value for this option. (default: []) --no-lockfiles-cache Do not allow caching of dependency- and lockfiles to enable automated rescans -h, --help display help for command
Image scanning
Usage: aikido-local-scanner image-scan [options] <image> Run an image scan. Arguments: image The image you want to scan. Options: --apikey <apikey> Apikey to send scanning results to Aikdo. (env: AIKIDO_API_KEY) --platform <platform> Set platform (to pull arm64 image on a amd64 system for example) --image-name <name> Specify a name for the scanned image. This overwrites the default behaviour of deducting the image name from the <image> argument. Can be used to specify a descriptive name if the image name is not. --debug Add additional debug information to command output. --fail-on <severity> Runs scanner in gating mode and fails on the given severity or higher. (choices: "low", "medium", "high", "critical") --gating-mode <mode> Indicate whether the scanner should run in release or PR gating mode. Release gating mode scans your main branch and waits to see if there are any issues that should prevent release, in pull request mode, Aikido seeks ONLY new vulnerabilities introduced in a branch. You must supply a base and head commit for the comparison to work. Should be combined with the --fail-on flag (choices: "release", "pr", default: "release") --base-commit-id <commit-id> Base commit id, this is the commit that Aikido will compare against to determine if a finding is new. Only used for PR gating mode. --head-commit-id <commit-id> Head commit id, the commit that is being scanned. Only used for PR gating mode. --gating-result-output <output> JSON file to write issues to (when running in gating mode only) --no-fail-on-timeout Do not fail the process in case the scan result polling times out (release gating mode only) --max-polling-attempts <amount> Amount of times to poll for scan results, increase this if the default value of 20 is not enough (release gating mode only) --linked-team-name <name> Team name to link the image to. -h, --help display help for command
Common use cases
Below you can find some example configurations of common use cases.
I want to run a scan on a repository
The api key can also be passed as an environment variable AIKIDO_API_KEY
aikido-local-scanner scan ./ --apikey AIK_CI_xxx --repositoryname DemoApp --branchname main
I want to run only SCA scanning on my repository
aikido-local-scanner scan ./ --apikey AIK_CI_xxx --repositoryname DemoApp --branchname main --scan-types dependencies
I want to run only secrets scanning on my repository
aikido-local-scanner scan ./ --apikey AIK_CI_xxx --repositoryname DemoApp --branchname main --scan-types secrets
I want to run only code scanning on my repository
aikido-local-scanner scan ./ --apikey AIK_CI_xxx --repositoryname DemoApp --branchname main --scan-types code
I want to run only IaC scanning on my repository
aikido-local-scanner scan ./ --apikey AIK_CI_xxx --repositoryname DemoApp --branchname main --scan-types iac
I want to exclude my /staging and /development folder from being scanned
aikido-local-scanner scan ./ --apikey AIK_CI_xxx --repositoryname DemoApp --branchname main --exclude staging --exclude development
I want to run only secrets and code scanning and I want to exclude my /staging folder.
aikido-local-scanner scan ./ --apikey AIK_CI_xxx --repositoryname DemoApp --branchname main --scan-types secrets code --exclude staging
I want to run an image scan and link the image to team "Cloud Team"
aikido-local-scanner image-scan my-image --apikey AIK_CI_xxx --linked-team-name "Cloud Team"