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Assign Team Responsibilities by Specific Path in Repo

Assign Team Responsibilities by Specific Path in Repo

Assigning specific repo paths to teams in Aikido can help to streamline issue management in large monorepos and enabling more granular reporting.

Use Cases

  • Monorepo management: Assign specific paths to teams instead of the full monorepo. This allows you to filter your feed in a more granular way.

  • Specific reporting: Allows reports to be generated based on service-level/path-level rather than at the repo level.

Assigning Specific Paths

Step 1: Create a Team and Link Repositories (see article)

  • Create a new team or select an existing one, then link the relevant repositories to this team.

Step 2: Click Limit Access By Path in the dropdown menu

Step 3: Enter the paths within the repo that you want the team to have access to.

Step 4: Filter Issues in Feed/Reports

Go to the Feed or Reports section. Apply a filter based on the team, and you will see only the issues related to the paths assigned to that team.