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Ignore via code with .aikido files

Ignore via code with .aikido files

The .aikido yaml file allows you to ignore certain CVE's and exclude certain paths from being scanned by Aikido. The .aikido files are read automatically whenever a scan is initiated.

Setting up the .aikido file

Create the .aikido file within the root of your repository.

Ignore CVEs and exclude specific paths

Ignore CVEs

To ignore CVE's, add them to the .aikido yaml file with a reason. The Aikido UI will also show that these specific CVEs are ignored with reference to the .aikido file.

Exclude Paths

The exclude key and paths subkey allow you to hide specific files and directories from being scanned by Aikido code scanning. This will automatically exclude scans for secrets, SAST issues and lockfiles.

Note. Each path must be a complete path from your repository's root, and wildcards are not supported.

      reason: We do not care about this CVE
    - src/useless-folder
    - src/index.js
    - package-lock.json
    - package.json