Autofix for Gitlab Cloud with Personal Access Token
When the installation of the Gitlab Autofix integration does not work via the OAuth flow, you can also configure it to work with a Personal Access Token (PAT).
First, go to the PAT management page in Aikdo, which can be found here.
Next, follow the instructions below to generate an access token in Gitlab.
Generating a "Group Access Token"
Navigate to 'Settings' > 'Access tokens', via the navigation of your Group's page
Or use the shortcut link 'Generate Access Token here' on the personal access token management page in Aikido.
You should end up on a page similar to this
Click on "Add new token"
Enter a name for token, we suggest something like: "Aikido Security Autofix"
For the expiration, use custom defined and set it to 1 year from now, or remove it.
The token should have at least the role of "Developer"
Next you need to select the following permissions for the token: api and write_repository.
Click on "Create group access token".
Copy the token on the next screen and insert it on the personal access token management page in Aikido.