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CI Integrations
Azure Pipelines CI: PR Gating via Aikido Dashboard with a Personal Access Token

Azure Pipelines CI: PR Gating via Aikido Dashboard with a Personal Access Token

When the installation of the Azure DevOps checks integration does not work via the OAuth flow, you can also configure it to work with a Personal Access Token (PAT).

Please note that for the integration to work properly, you need to be able to manage service hooks in all of the projects in your organization. This is usually a reserved permission for workspace admins.

First, go to the PAT management page in Aikdo, which can be found here.

Next, follow the instructions below to generate a PAT in Azure DevOps.

Generating a PAT

  1. Navigate to 'User Settings' > 'Personal Access Tokens', via the header icon shown here

    Or use the shortcut link 'Generate Access Token here' on the personal access token management page in Aikido.

  2. You should end up on a page similar to this

  3. Make sure you have selected the same organization as the one in your Aikido workspace via the 'Access scope' button on the top right

  4. Click on "New token"

  5. Next you need to select the following permissions for the token: Work Items (Read & Write), Code (Read & Write), Code (Status) and Build (Read)

  6. For the expiration, use custom defined and set it to 1 year from now, this is the maximum duration that Azure DevOps allows the token to be valid for.

  7. Click on 'Create' to create the access token

  8. Copy the token on the next screen and insert it on the personal access token management page in Aikido.