Mac Setup for Local Code Scanning
The Aikido Security Local Scanner is a tool that enables you to perform Aikido Security scans within your environment, ensuring your code never leaves your premises. The scans take place locally, and the results are then uploaded to the Aikido Security platform. This setup allows you to scan any repos locally own your own machine.
We currently support the ARM64 operating system architecture. This is used on newer Macs built on Apple Silicon, shipped in late 2020 and beyond.
Temporary folder​
The scanner creates a temporary local folder (default .aikidotmp) to perform certain actions:
Copy certain lockfiles to run efficient scanning.
Write the results of the scanners.
This folder is cleaned up after the scanning is finished.
In addition, some files are copied to the temporary operating directory. Ensure that enough space is available; we recommend a minimum of 2GB.​
How to set up Local Scanning
1. Get your authentication token
Go to the Local Scanner setup page
Generate an authentication token and copy. Note that you will only be able to view this token once.
Add this token as argument
when running the Local Scanner in your project .
2. Adding the Local Scanner to your project
Download the local scanner binary from the Aikido UI.
3. Running the Local Scanner
Now all that is left to run the scanner on your repository.
./aikido-local-scanner scan ./ --apikey AIK_CI_xxx --repositoryname DemoApp --branchname main
If you Mac blocks the binary from running with the message "aikido-local-scanner can’t be opened because Apple cannot check it for malicious software", navigate to the binary, right click it and select Open. After opening the binary like this once, you'll have granted the necessary permissions to the binary to to run it from your terminal.
Alternatively, you can use our Docker image to scan your repository. Ensure that you have Docker installed before proceeding. Navigate into the directory you want to scan and run a scan using a command like:
docker run --rm -v "$(pwd):/my-app" aikidosecurity/local-scanner scan /my-app --apikey AIK_CI_xxx --repositoryname RepoName --branchname main
If you are on an ARM based system, add the --platform=linux/amd64
flag to pull the Docker image.
4. Check your scanning results
After your first scan is done, you can go to the Aikido Feed to check out your results. A repository with the name you specified will have been created, containing all results from the scanning.