Aikido - Forge Integration: Troubleshooting
1. Missing permissions
A person has a user on aikido, but have not given permission to the current repository in the workspace
All permissions for Aikido can be managed inside your source code manager. This often can be found at App Permissions. A quick way to grant permissions and activating repos is through the Aikido UI
Steps to give permissions and activate repos
Go to the Repository Settings page and click Add Repo. This will open up the respective source code manager
Select repos you want to Aikido to have access to
Select which repos Aikido should activate and scan
This is important so Aikido can scan for vulnerabilities and send information to Forge.
2. Repository not active in Aikido
The repository has permission, but was not selected as one of the repos to scan.
It is possible that you have granted permission to Aikido to all repositories, but that only a few were selected for being nightly scanned. By default, Aikido disables these repositories for scanning.
Steps to activate a single repository in Aikido
Go to the Repository Settings page
Go to the repository that you want to activate and click the triple dots on the right. In the action menu, select 'Activate'.
If you need to enable a big number of repos at once, you can click 'add repo' which will take you back through the initial setup page. There you can multiselect which repos you would like to be scanned / activated.
3. Setup for multiple Gits
A user has a workspace, but the repository is not in that workspace. This can be the case when a repository is another GitHub organisation.
Aikido supports connecting multiple Gits (e.g., GitHub combined with Bitbucket) or different organisations within the same Git. If you want to connect a new GitHub organisation to an existing account, you will need to create a new workspace.
Steps to setup a new workspace
Step 1: Add a new workspace by clicking your profile icon in the top right corner.
Step 2: Continue by selecting "Add a New Workspace."
Step 3: Switch between different Git accounts using the workspace switcher located in the top left corner.