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Managing access with teams

Managing access with teams


Aikido allows the creation of teams within its platform, enabling users to connect multiple repositories and clouds for comprehensive access and management.

Use Cases

  • Filter Repositories Quickly: In companies with multiple teams, each team may have access to the entire codebase, but their primary responsibilities are often limited to specific repositories or projects. By creating teams in Aikido, team members can have a focused overview of only the repositories relevant to their tasks.

  • Agency Project Management: Agencies frequently handle multiple clients, necessitating a structured approach to manage each client's repositories separately. Aikido facilitates this by allowing the creation of teams for each client, making it straightforward to organize and access client-specific repositories. Additionally, this allows for easy generation of client-specific reports.

  • Selective Access Control: Assign repository access exclusively to designated team members.

  • Better overview when using a monorepo split. You can assign team members to specific directories of your monorepo, improving their overview. More information on splitting monorepositories can be found here.

How To Create Teams

Step 1: Navigate to Settings -> Teams

Step 2: Click Create Team and give your team a name

Step 3: Add team members to the newly created team.

Step 4: Define the team's responsibilities by adding resources via the responsibility tab. You can add different resources such as clouds and repositories.

Step 5. Go back to your feed and filter on a specific team. You should only see issues that are related to those repositories and clouds that were attached to the team.

Syncing with GitHub, Bitbucket or Azure DevOps

If you have existing teams set up in GitHub,Bitbucket or Azure DevOps, Aikido can import them and maintain synchronization on a nightly basis. This ensures that any changes in team structures or access rights managed in GitHub/Bitbucket are accurately reflected in Aikido. Any new teams that are created in GitHub will appear in Aikido. The same applies to when you remove a team in GitHub: Aikido will pick this up and remove the team too. Any repos that are part of the team, will be synced too.

It's important to note that in this scenario, GitHub/Bitbucket acts as the source of truth for access rights, and all management should be conducted within those platforms.

Aikido makes in clear which teams have been Imported from GitHub.

How to select your team in UI

Aikido's Feed features a team filter at the top of the page. This filter allows users to tailor the feed to display only the issues relevant to selected teams. This filter can be used on basically every page in Aikido (feed, reports, settings etc).